Ein wilder Hund führt die zwölfjährige Martha durch den Schneesturm. Ein tröstendes Wort erreicht Maureen auf verblüffendem Weg. Ein Mann in Jeans rettet Hannahs Leben und verschwindet spurlos. In seinem neuen Buch "Engel in Jeans" erzählt James Stuart Bell wieder von kleinen Wundern, himmlischen Begegnungen und übernatürlichen Erlebnissen. Mal zum Schmunzeln, mal zum Staunen inspiriert er dazu, im Alltag mit himmlischen Begegnungen zu rechnen.
Der Engel kam barfuß : Erstaunliche Begegnungen zwischen Himmel und Erde
James Stuart Bell
bookA Cup of Comfort Stories for Christians: Celebrating faith and grace
James Stuart Bell
bookA Cup of Comfort Devotional Stories for Mothers: Celebrating Christian moms of faith and strength
James Stuart Bell, Jeanette Gardner Littleton
bookA Cup of Comfort Devotional Stories for Women: Celebrating Christian women of faith and wisdom
James Stuart Bell, Carol McLean Wilde
bookDevotional Stories for Women : Everyday miracles of faith and wisdom
James Stuart Bell, Carol McLean Wilde
bookA Cup of Comfort Book of Bible Promises: Stories that celebrate God's encouraging words
James Stuart Bell, Susan B Townsend
bookGod Encounters: Stories of His Involvement in Life's Greatest Moments
James Stuart Bell
bookA Cup of Comfort Women of the Bible Devotional: Daily Reflections Inspired by Scripture's Most Beloved Heroines
James Stuart Bell, Susan B Townsend
bookA Cup of Comfort Devotional for Mothers and Daughters: Daily Reminders of God's Love and Grace
James Stuart Bell, Susan B Townsend
bookLiving the Serenity Prayer : True Stories of Acceptance, Courage, and Wisdom
Jeanett Gardner Littleton, James Stuart Bell
bookA Cup of Comfort Devotional for Women : A daily reminder of faith for Christian women by Christian Women
James Stuart Bell, Carol McLean Wilde