This reference presents basic concepts of respiratory function in normal and diseased states. The volume stresses a quantitative approach to physical parameters used as indicators of normal and diseased respiratory functions. The contents of this reference encourages medical students, residents and fellows to become “clinical detectives”, by presenting information aimed at enhancing their understanding of how normal respiratory mechanisms are altered by diseases that affect pulmonary ventilation and/or blood perfusion, tissue oxygenation, acid-base balance, respiratory mechanics, oxygen and carbon dioxide transport, control of breathing, and so on.
Intelligent Diagnosis of Lung Cancer and Respiratory Diseases
bookHRCT – Pattern Recognition and Differential Diagnosis of Lung Disease
Fredrik Ahlfors, Carl Lamm
bookAssertiviteit ontwikkelen : Voor jezelf opkomen en effectiever communiceren
Véronique Bronckart
bookSummary of When Breath Becomes Air
Paul Adams
bookJe mag opnieuw beginnen : Veerkracht, vrede en rust vinden
Mirjam Schild
bookAdem de dag : 365 momenten voor verstilling en bezieling
Mirjam van Vegt
bookIn negen stappen naar innerlijke bloei : Met meditaties en oefeningen voor spirituele groei
Lisette Thooft
audiobookbookOntdek de kracht van ademen
Mr Breath
bookAdemen tot in je ziel : Je adem is de basis voor ontspanning, innerlijke rust en zelfvertrouwen
Marleen van Hout
audiobookbookUniversele spiritualiteit : Alles is één. Je goddelijkheid leven
Willem Glaudemans
audiobookbookSpirituele intelligentie : Jij bent de kracht zelf
Altazar Rossiter
audiobookbookBeat Autoimmune : The 6 Keys to Reverse Your Condition and Reclaim Your Health
Palmer Kippola