This book is the sequel to the author's major success Patriarchs and Prophers and the second in the series Conflict of the Ages. It spans sacred and biblical history, beginning with Solomon, the Temple and its dedication. It gives detailed information on the prohets of the Northern Kingdom, preachers like Ahaz and Hesekiah and many more. All topics are related in an interesting, narrative style that charms the reader and opens up to him new beauties in the Scriptural record.
The Acts of the Apostles
Ellen Gould White
bookThe Ministry Of Healing
Ellen Gould White
bookThe Story Of Jesus
Ellen Gould White
bookThoughts from the Mount Of Blessing
Ellen Gould White
bookThe Sanctified Life
Ellen Gould White
bookSpiritual Gifts
Ellen Gould White
bookSketches From The Life Of Paul
Ellen Gould White
bookSteps To Christ
Ellen Gould White
bookChrist's Object Lessons
Ellen Gould White
bookThe Desire of Ages
Ellen Gould White
bookPatriarchs and Prophets : (Conflict of the Ages #1)
Ellen Gould White