The Protagoras, like several of the Dialogues of Plato, is put into the mouth of Socrates, who describes a conversation which had taken place between himself and the great Sophist at the house of Callias-'the man who had spent more upon the Sophists than all the rest of the world'-and in which the learned Hippias and the grammarian Prodicus had also shared, as well as Alcibiades and Critias, both of whom said a few words-in the presence of a distinguished company consisting of disciples of Protagoras and of leading Athenians belonging to the Socratic circle.
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Plato Plato
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Plato Plato
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Plato Plato
audiobookThe Republic (Hero Classics)
Plato Plato
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Plato Plato
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Plato Plato
Plato Plato
Plato Plato
Plato Plato
bookApology, Crito, Phaedo
Plato Plato
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