
A Death in the Family : A Detective Kubu mystery


ā€˜Thereā€™s no easy way to say this, Kubu. Your fatherā€™s dead. Iā€™m afraid heā€™s been murdered.ā€™

Faced with the violent death of his own father, Assistant Superintendent David ā€˜Kubuā€™ Bengu, the smartest detective in the Botswana police, is baffled. Who would kill such a frail old man? Kubuā€™s frustration grows as his boss, Director Mabaku, bans him from being involved in the investigation.

The picture becomes even murkier with the apparent suicide of a government official. Are Chinese mine-owners involved? And what role does the US Embassy have to play?

Set amidst the dark beauty of modern Botswana, A Death in the Family is a thrilling insight into a world of riots, corruption, and greed, as a complex series of murders presents the opera-loving detective with his most challenging case yet. When grief-stricken Kubu defies orders and sets out on the killersā€™ trail, startling and chilling links emerge, spanning the globe and setting a sequence of shocking events in motion.

Verteller: Nyambi Nyambi