
A Stolen Season: Bath


Nothing can disrupt the flow of timeā€¦not even loveā€¦

Archaeologist Richard canā€™t abide a mystery. But after one of the most frustrating digs of his career, thatā€™s exactly what he has on his hands. How could an estate simply disappear? What happened to the woman who lived there? Did she flee, or was she murdered? Sadly, thereā€™s only one way to get answers, and thatā€™s to travel back to the place in time he never wanted to revisitā€”the nineteenth century.

Lady Catriona needs a change. A little rebellion against her unfaithful husband is long overdue. This season, she will re-enter society and take a lover who can distract her from the pain of her horrible marriage. Perhaps the handsome visitor from abroad who just arrived in Bath would be up to the taskā€¦

Decadent, sensual nights melt into the happiest days Richard and Catriona have ever known. But he canā€™t stay, and she canā€™t leaveā€”even as enemies threaten her at every turn. Can Richard find a way to save Cait without destroying the timeline? Or is he doomed to lose the only woman heā€™s ever loved to cruel twist of fate?