
Before You Quit: Everyday Endurance, Moral Courage, and the Quest for Purpose


How Non-Quitters Changed the World

Youā€™re exhausted. As you see your time and joy being spent on something that isnā€™t going the way you plannedā€¦ some days you wonder if itā€™d just be better to quit.

Whether itā€™s now or later, weā€™re all faced with a choice between good and easy, between continuing on through difficulty or giving up. When that day comes, what will you choose?

Doug Gehman observed firsthand how God used one manā€™s relentless perseverance to change a country, and it changed him. In this book he shares dozens of stories of ordinary people who did extraordinary things for the kingdom of God because they simply kept goingā€”through pain, discouragement, loss, and failure. Heā€™ll teach you how to cultivate a gritty perseverance that counts the cost and follows through. Become a person of courage and commitment. Itā€™ll cost you dearly, but it will change your life forever.

Verteller: Tanzer Kaye