
Body Shot : An International Clandestine Enterprise Novel


She has every right to feel venomous resentmentā€¦

Convicted of a murder she didnā€™t commit, sniper Henri Anderson suffers two years of hard time before sheā€™s given a choiceā€”accept an unknown assignment offered by a seedy foreign dignitary or head for home. The decision took all of two seconds. At least thatā€™s what she thinks, until a mysterious Scottish man shows up and offers a deal sweet enough to tempt a saint.

But has the rugged blue-eyed closer met his match?

Annoyed that ICE is wasting his time by sending him to Utah to recruit a talented soldier who has already turned them down, secret agent, Mike Rose, has no intention of failing. Heā€™s a tough guy with more persuasion in his hard stare than most people manage with an oration. Disarmed by a woman whoā€™s not only tenacious, sheā€™s downright stunning, Mike tempts Henri with something even a hardened Delta Force sniper canā€™t refuse. And once sheā€™s hooked, Mike thinks heā€™s doneā€”can go back to covert ops working alone. But Henri isnā€™t a woman whoā€™s easy to forget. And when sheā€™s snared by the clutches of the very man who framed her for murder, the big Scot will sell his soul to save her.

Verteller: Joel L Froomkin