
Broken But Unbowed: The Fight to Fix a Broken America

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From Governor Greg Abbottā€”Texas governor and rising star in the Republican Party and one of the first prominent politicians to govern from a wheelchairā€”comes this deeply personal and inspiring life story and a plan to restore America to greatness in what Newt Gingrich calls a ā€œbold and compellingā€ read.

Greg Abbott lost his ability to walk when a huge oak tree crashed down on his back, fracturing vertebrae into his spinal cord, leaving him forever paralyzed. At twenty-six years old, he felt that the future he had dreamed of was gone. But he soon realized that our lives are not defined by our challenges, but by how we respond to them. He went on to overcome his paralytic limitations to become the longest-serving attorney general in Texas history and now governor, all while in a wheelchair.

Greg Abbott waged a record number of legal challenges against the federal government that has come unhinged from the Constitution. He also led legal battles to defend the Second Amendment, the Tenth Amendment, and religious liberty. He personally appeared before the U.S. Supreme Court to defend the Ten Commandments monument on the Texas Capitol Groundsā€”and won.

Through these fights he realized that his personal story held an important parallel to Americaā€™s current challenges. The Constitution that forms the foundation of our country has been broken, but the people of this nation remain determined to achieve American greatness. Abbott explains that it is up to us to restore America to its rightful luster and power in the world, emerging triumphant from our stumbles.

In Broken but Unbowed, Governor Abbott describes firsthand what it was like to be on the frontlines of the historic fights that have refined the Constitution and the lessons heā€™s learned along the way, offering solutions that will bring us back a government that lives up to the American Dream.

Verteller: Van Tracy