
Charming my Broody Billionaire Boss : A Hot Romantic Comedy


Heā€™s the devil himself:

Damon Copeland (he practically carries a pitchfork).

Fiery-hot and a killer smile (if he ever smiled).

Heā€™s also the top dog at my fatherā€™s company,

And my two older brothersā€™ best friend.

Oh, and someone I accidentally slept with.

In my defense, that was before I knew who he wasā€”

And before he hired me.

Now, my one-night stand has turned into my boss.

Whatā€™s worse, heā€™s Mr. Bosshole Superior: brutish, broody, and impatient.

And heā€™s completely immune to my charms.

Heā€™s also 6ā€™4ā€.

With a perfect jawline.

After a few teeny-tiny collisions, Iā€™m pretty sure he hates me.

But itā€™s not as if I planned to run smack-dab into his wall of hard muscle. (Twice.)

And itā€™s not my fault we ended up in one room on the company trip.

(With just one bed.)

And itā€™s definitely not my fault my heart stoppedā€”almost completelyā€”

when he showed me the tender, generous, and compassionate man he really is.

None of this will break my resolve.

The girl who resists her irresistible boss? Thatā€™s me.

I will not fall for impossible, controlling Damon Copeland.

From USA Today Bestselling Author, Jolie Day, comes a new hot romantic comedy. It stands alone. Come see what happens when the broody alpha man and the quirky girl collide. Literally.