
Chipped: Laura


She conquered the worldā€¦ but she canā€™t get her enemy out of her head.

As the unquestioned leader of the Happiness-Program, Laura is effectively the ruler of the entire world. The Unchipped rebels have been defeated, and all thatā€™s left for her to do is to perfect the Chipping process so they can all be integrated into the new society. The only problem is a single hacker, but that hacker is supremely dangerous, able to access Lauraā€™s mind at will.

As it becomes clear that she canā€™t keep the hacker out, Lauraā€™s grip on power will start to unravel. And that will force her to make a choiceā€¦ create the perfect world sheā€™s always dreamed of, or save the little girl who doesnā€™t know sheā€™s Lauraā€™s daughter?

***If you're looking for books like The Hunger Games, Divergent, and Brave New World you're going to love the Unchipped series!

***Get free early access to Unchipped short stories, plus the Unchipped prequel, The Meeting, by signing up for my newsletter @TayaDeVere (dot) com!

Verteller: Sarah Nessel