


ā€œAustinā€™s message of true friendship and selflessness will resonate...strong addition to the realistic fiction genre.ā€ - Library Journal

Everyone needs their own special corner...

Itā€™s 1969 and ten-year-old Davy is in a predicament. With two weeks remaining of the summer holidays, heā€™s expelled from the public pool for sneaking into the deep end and almost drowning. How will he break the news to his hard-working single mother? Sheā€™s at the diner all day, Davy has no friends, and heā€™s too young to stay by himself.

The answer lies in his rescuer, mysterious thirteen-year-old Ellis Wynn. Visiting her Grammy for the summer, Ellis offers to babysit Davy. She teaches him about ā€œcornersā€ā€“forgotten or neglected areas fixed up special. Together, the kids tackle several ā€œcornersā€ and Davy learns what it means to bring joy to others.

Davy begins to wonder, though. Why does Ellis want to be his friend? Why doesnā€™t she ever smile? And is Davy just one of Ellisā€™ ā€œcorners?ā€