
Dodged A Bullet


In a game of cat and mouse, always be the cat.

PI Samantha True is used to danger, but this time the stakes are higher than ever.

Someone is trying to kill her. Sheā€™ll need her ex-sorta-husbandā€™s help. Itā€™s hard to spend time with a new boyfriend when your ex-sorta-husband is hanging around. Samā€™s new client, YouTube star Lora Darling is famous for breaking barriers as a female gamer. But fame has its price. Lora has a stalker, one who intends to see her dead. When Loraā€™s partner is poisoned and Lora is drugged, Samantha knows the stalker is closer than they ever imagined.

The gaming world isnā€™t all funā€”and well, you know, gamesā€”itā€™s a multi-million-dollar cutthroat business. Throw in the meddling media, a sick father, and a contract killer and itā€™s just another Monday for Samantha True, PI.

Warning: May cause spontaneous laughter. This mystery offers witty banter, characters you'll want to be friends with, and is a perfect escape to the Pacific Northwest. Laughing out loud in public may cause curious glances from strangers.

Verteller: Jennifer Stoneking