Elon Musk Decoded
Visionary businessman
Learn about themes like:
Technological innovation
How to become a successful visionary
What makes a great technological entrepreneur
Visionary entrepreneurship
You will also learn the following:
How to envision a better future and change the world with businesses that work.
Discover the power of technology to create a new future, found great companies and take innovation to the next level.
Become an extraordinary entrepreneur by being innovative, fearless and proactive.
You will discover his answers to all of these questions:
Being unconventional
Is it really that important to go to college?
Can anyone be extraordinary?
Why think like a physicist?
How do innovative people spend their time?
Why technology must be useful?
What is the arch mission?
Is it possible that reality is just a simulation?
Can we really predict our future?
Why technology is like magic?
How to become a successful entrepreneur?
How to start a company that works?
How much is too much work?
What to do if things don’t go according to plan?
Is it okay to be afraid?
So, get started right now.
Decode Elon Musk andlevel up!