
Enter at Your Own Risk


Kendra can't stand Wade. The feeling is mutual. Until someone changes the rules.

This has been an epic trashy week. Iā€™m studying to write the bar exam, and my best friend is getting married soon. As much as I hate it, my friends and I take her out for a bachelorette party. Thereā€™s a live band playing, and the lead singer just drips cocky attitude. The guy literally crashes into me in the bathroom hallway and he acts like itā€™s my fault. With his rudeness and course language, it takes everything in me not to clock him the way that my father taught me when I was a little girl. And then, when I donā€™t think that my week could get any worse, he shows up at the law firm the next dayā€¦and heā€™s my new client.


What a horrible night. Normally, every chick in this place gives me bedroom eyes, but this one redhead, if looks could kill, Iā€™d be dead. Sheā€™s like a disgruntled librarian with a bun in her hair so tight itā€™s like a facelift. We all but duke it out after she ploughs into me. Then this other chick shows up later, none-too-pleased, claiming that I fathered her unborn child! I should wear a sign that says, ā€˜Newsflash: Iā€™m the only Ford kid that doesnā€™t have an inheritance, so back off!ā€™. That should do it. But the message never gets across. I mean, what can you take away from a man to hurt him, when he already has nothing? Truth is, thereā€™s plenty, especially after tonightā€¦

HEA (Happily Ever After)

Hate to love romance

Rock star romance

Military romance

Medium heat

Course language

Mild cliffhanger ending

Second book in a complete 5 book standalone series

Verteller: Sandra Alex