
Fables: Part 1: Tales of Art, Love and Life


Would you like to learn the reason for the rain, giving inspiration to almost everyone?

Have you heard the tale of the writer at the shores of the Pergamon who was healed by snakes?

Do you honestly believe that kindness and beauty can make a difference in this world?

If so, this book is for you.

Fables: Part 1 is a combination of tales of love, freedom, art and life. They are written with hope to touch your soul in a kind way. They are aimed to give birth to a titter. Should they fail, feel free to curse or send negative thoughts to the writer. Should they succeed, do not hesitate to do the opposite!

What is a fable? A type of story where supernatural beings exist, where improbable happensā€¦ No, noā€¦ That was way too serious and gloomy. Iā€™m sure the description is lacking as well. For me, a fable means my childhood. A clichĆ© maybe, but bear with me here friendsā€¦ Ah yes, forgot to mention; reading this makes you a friend of mine ā€“ at least one that will last until the end of the book. As Dostoyevsky put it, ā€œone does not have to put a reason behind every sense of friendshipā€¦ā€. You might even think that my friendship is void of value, as youā€™ve achieved it so rapidly. Then I should tell you that whatā€™s void of value is this belittling thought. See, a bond that could have turned into a nice friendship, perhaps brotherhood, gone. At least ā€“ since youā€™re still reading ā€“ means youā€™ve not yet thrown away the bookā€¦ So thereā€™s still hope to form bonds that could turn into brotherhood or love! Yes, yes, no need for further questions; love can indeed blossom out of friendship. Iā€™ll be telling you as best I can what life isā€¦ In fact, Iā€™ll be asking youā€¦ Because I think, after a certain point, itā€™s impossible to make a meaning of itā€¦