
Ferry to Cooperation Island : A Novel


"Cronin has built a world that you wonā€™t want to sail away from!" ā€”Juliette Fay, USA Today Bestselling author Loner James Malloy is a ferry captainā€”or used to be, until he was unceremoniously fired and replaced by Courtney Farris. Now, instead of piloting Brenton Islandā€™s daily lifeline to the glitzy docks of Newport, Rhode Island, James spends his days beached, bitter, and bored.

When he discovers a private golf course staked out across wilderness sacred to his dying best friend, a Narragansett Indian, James is determined to stop such ā€œimprovements.ā€ But despite Brentonā€™s nickname as ā€œCooperation Island,ā€ heā€™s used to working solo. To keep rocky bluffs, historic trees, and ocean shoreline open to all, heā€™ll have to learn to work with other islandersā€”including Captain Courtney, who might just morph from irritant to irresistible once James learns a secret thatā€™s been kept from him for years.

This salt-sprayed fourth novel by 2004 Olympic Sailor Carol Newman Cronin celebrates wilderness and water, open space and open-mindedness, and the redemptive power of neighborly cooperation.