
Fire Up : Live large, do tough stuff and give back

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Live large, do tough stuff and give back.

FIRE UP! shares some of the lessons Iā€™ve learned from the first twenty-five years of my life, from growing up in the bush to running across Australia. This is what fires me up every single day.

Iā€™m aware Iā€™m just one person among billions, many of whom are far wiser than I am.

While this is what works for me, by no means am I suggesting itā€™s some sort of guaranteed formula for success. You may read something that sparks a fire in your belly (as it does in mine), but ultimately it comes down to you having a red-hot crack.

I hope that, among these insights and stories, youā€™ll find some words of inspiration that encourage you to chase your dreams and give you the self-belief to back yourself along the way.