
First Team: A Marvel: Xavier's Institute Novel


Marvelā€™s mutant heroes return when a remarkable student rushes to save his family but ends up in a whole heap of trouble, in this gripping Xavierā€™s Institute novel

Victor Borkowski ā€“ aka Anole ā€“ has adjusted well to life at Xavierā€™s Institute, gaining control over his reptilian mutant powers and the respect of his fellow students. However, when he discovers that his parents have been kidnapped by anti-mutant extremists, the Purifiers, Victorā€™s discipline and trust in the X-Men is strained to breaking point. Setting out alone in defiance of his instructors, heā€™s quickly in serious trouble. It isnā€™t just the fanatical Purifiers threatening his family, thereā€™s a villainous scientist waiting to get hold of Victor himself. Maybe he canā€™t do this by himself after allā€¦