
Fool For Love


Can there be a second chance for a first love?

When Presley Dawson falls in love with a married man, he knows itā€™s wrong but canā€™t help himself. For the first time heā€™s wanted and desired and not so lonely. When his lover returns to his husband, Presley doesnā€™t worry. He always comes backā€”until he doesnā€™t.Years later, Presley is stuck in neutral and lonelier than ever. He canā€™t forget his past and doesnā€™t know how to reach for his future. When his best friend suggests a support group to work through his grief, Presley agrees but without much hope; nothing has helped before. At the first meeting, heā€™s instantly attracted to Nate and struggles not to fall so far, so fast. He wonā€™t be fooled again.

Nate Sherman is only attending a support group to get his family off his back. True, he hasnā€™t slept through the night in over three years, but he has reasons. Discovering your fatherā€”the man you love and idolizeā€”is a liar and a cheater will do that. And dying in his girlfriendā€™s bed? No wonder Nate has trust issues. Meeting Presley changes everything. Nate sees Presleyā€™s sweet nature and good heart and when he sets boundaries for their relationship, Nate surprises himself by willingly going along. With Presley by his side, Nate is able to sleep again and find the trust that heā€™s lost in himself and other people. He can even fall in love.

But Presley is keeping a secret and if he tells Nate, it could be the end of everything between them. He knows itā€™s wrong to start another relationship based on a lie. But it isnā€™t a lie if you donā€™t say anything.Is it?

Verteller: Kale Williams