
Forbidden Marquis


He was a sexy stranger who made her knees knock when he kissed her, and suddenly about to be her husband.

This probably all sounds crazy.

Maybe it was, but sheā€™s not good at slowing down and calculating all the time.

Heā€™s a bad boy noble with two weeks left to either marryā€¦or lose his fortune.

Stefano Durnova, the Marchese of Normanni, has less than two weeks left to find a bride or be forced to sacrifice his title, inheritance, and lands. With the clock ticking, heā€™ll be pushed to resort to desperate measures, but he never expected to ask a total stranger to marry him.

Jilted bride Rossie Diaz heads to Paris with her best friend instead of her cheating groom. Following a serendipitous encounter on the Eiffel Tower, her impulsive nature results in her agreeing to a noble wedding 24 hours after her last wedding disaster.

Rossie and Stefano try to navigate their new-found roles, but fate, temptation, and the lure of everlasting love has other plans that will either bring them closer togetherā€¦or send them running back to the lives they canā€™t return to.

Find out what happens in this modern day Jilted at the Altar meets Cinderella's Ever After romance!

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