
Goodman's Child


"Moire stood in the croft houseā€™s porch, watching Goodman leave, plotting her escape.

His bootsā€”thick leather the colour of oak, paler at the toe and heelā€”crunched in the shoal of pebbles heā€™d salvaged from the shore behind the house. A slab of grass, the dry stone wall, then the shore. And thenā€¦

Moire had long since given up wondering what lay beyond the wall that marked the perimeter of her understanding because, once lured there by Goodman, sheā€™d never been able to leave. A prison formed from Goodmanā€™s lies.

For seven years, Moireā€™s thoughts returned to the seaā€™s powerful protection and of a freedom she hadnā€™t known in all those years."

Praise for Goodman's Child:

"It's beautifully written and observed on many different levels - from the descriptions of the Orkney landscape, to Moire's emotions, to making folklore a reality - it just flows and I love it!" ā€“ Kate Tenbeth, author of Burly & Grum and Unlucky Dip.

"ā€¦a thoughtful, beautifully written tale that evokes Kafka's 'Metamorphosis' or, perhaps more closely, Roger McGough's wonderful poem 'Angel Wings'" ā€“ Mark Watkins, co-author of Keeping Mum.