
Guarantee the Sex of Your Baby : Choose a Girl or Boy Using Today's 99.9% Accurate Sex Selection Techniques



For the first time ever, you don’t need to simply hope that your next baby will be the daughter you always wanted or the son who balances your family. Guarantee the Sex of Your Baby tells how today’s revolutionary medical techniques such as sperm sorting and Preimplantantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) allow you to choose the sex of your next baby with 99.99% certainty.

Guarantee the Sex of Your Baby guides you step by step through the maze of sex selection options and, in easy-to-understand terms, explains the high-tech medical procedures that empower you to have the baby of your dreams.

Guarantee the Sex of Your Baby...

•Reveals which high-tech procedures are most effective

•Explains the pros and cons of low-tech approaches, including the Shettles Method

•Exposes the myths and misnomers of sex selection

•Tells how to find a fertility specialist who can help you

•Includes vital information on preventing genetic disorders using PGD