
Have Mercy


We were high school sweethearts. One day she disappeared after class and didnā€™t come back. She left me high and dry. I was angry. I took it out on her by sleeping with her best friend. Then she showed back up with a story I didnā€™t believe. I was done.

I married her best friend after she got pregnant, and now I have a seventeen-year-old son whoā€™s stuck in the middle of our divorce.

But then I saw my ex again. Feelings arose I thought I buried all those years ago. Sheā€™s still mine. I proved it against a wall after a heated argument. I found out thereā€™s been no one else since me, and now that Iā€™ve had her again, Iā€™ll make sure there is no one else.

Then I met her son, and he looks just like me.

Heā€™s also seventeen and best friends with my son.