
Her Broken Pieces


Five years ago, Jax Townsend saved Gerry from a fate worse than death.

Gerry - I was sold to a prince by a man who claimed to love me, then tortured and enslaved by another. Thatā€™s why I decided if that was love, I wanted no part in it. Now, I work for Marron House Security, hired by the same man who shot a Sheikh to save me. The same man that haunts my dreams with the promise of a happily ever after. Jax sees my broken pieces, and it scares me. Because for all he sees, I see more. I see his desire for me, and it heats my blood with untold need. I hide my bodyā€™s reaction to his innocent touches. Iā€™ve never desired a man the way I desire Jax Townsend, but if I allow myself to embrace this passion, then I allow him a piece of my heart. And I just canā€™t do that.

Jax - She carved her name into my heart the moment our eyes locked five years ago on that yacht belonging to a prince. I killed for her, then left her in the hands of my best friendā€™s mother and went back to fight another battle.

Now, Iā€™m co-founder of Marron House Security, and Iā€™ve hired Gerry as our office manager. Her bright smiles and scent of wildflowers have me fantasizing about all sorts of naughty, after-hours escapades. I want Gerry. Body, soul, but above all elseā€¦heart. And thatā€™s the shit of it all. Because Gerry doesnā€™t believe love comes without cruelty, and Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m enough to prove her wrong.

Verteller: Jeremy Bartelt