
Home in Carolina


Thereā€™s no place like home, especially if itā€™s Serenity, South Carolina. For Annie Sullivan, though, the homecoming is bittersweet. Sheā€™d always envisioned a life there with her childhood best friend, Tyler Townsend. But Tyā€™s betrayal has cost her the family and the future theyā€™d once planned. For Ty, losing Annie was heartbreaking. Still, he canā€™t imagine life without the three-year-old son whose mother left him for Ty to raise. Ty wants it allā€”Annie, his child, and the future heā€™d dreamed aboutā€”and heā€™s back home in Serenity to fight for it. But getting Annie to forgive and forget may be the hardest challenge heā€™s ever faced. With the stakes so high, this is one game he canā€™t afford to lose.

Verteller: Stina Nielsen