
How To Live In The Present Moment: Learn To Live In The Present Moment By Freeing Yourself From The Past And The Future: Understand How to Let Go of Fear, Anxiety and Regret; Find Everlasting Peace of Mind and Live a Happier Life.


We all have moments, hours, days when our minds are stuck somewhere unpleasant that we can't get out of and it feels like we're living in a constant state of worry. We may be thinking about what is happening tomorrow or five minutes ago. We may wonder about things that happened in the past and regret them. As a result, we lose sight of what's happening now-now-now. And because we're so focused on our worries rather than the current moment, these anxious thoughts just continue to feed off each other as they go 'round and round in circles in our heads.

As a result, we may feel that our minds are always racing and it's impossible for us to slow them down. This takes us away from the present moment.

This audiobook covers

Living in the Now Forgive Past Hurts Stop Worrying Practice Gratitude Pay Attention to The Small Things Conquer Addictions Perform Random Acts of Kindness Tamp Down Worries Remind Yourself of Your Goal to Live In The Moment Practice Mindfulness Meditation The Benefit of Practicing Meditation Work On Making Yourself Better And much more

Being present is the key to happiness and life balance. Being in the moment means being fully present in every single moment of your day. This doesn't mean that you should forget to eat fruit, brush your teeth and pay your bills but it does mean you take time each and every day to pause, stand back and say "Wow! I am alive right now!" or "Wow! I'm breathing. I am here right now; this is where I want to be."

Just imagine how wonderful your life would feel if you truly, deeply appreciated being in the moment. You'd notice so many more things and feel so much happier!

So, Scroll to the top of the page and click the "BUY NOW" button!

Verteller: Christopher Miller