
How to Weep in Public


In her hilarious memoir-meets-guide-to-life, comedian (and professional depressive) Jacqueline Novak

reveals the hidden pleasures of depression, advises readers on how to make the most of a cat hairā€“covered life,

and helps them summon the strength to shed that bathrobe and face the world.

Exhausted? Run down? Filled with a vague sense of ennui, an occasional twinge of regret, or a hell of a lot of

mood stabilizers?

Then this is the book for you.

How to Weep in Public is both a tongue-in-cheek advice guide (from a person who has no business giving advice to

anyone!) and one womanā€™s breathless journey to consistently put on pants, or at least get out of bed in the morning.

Beginning with her earliest blue moments of infancy and hopscotching through her exploration of the world of

pharmaceuticals before bounding right back to her parentsā€™ couch, Jacqueline Novak will introduce you to the ABCs

(Adderall! Benzos! Catatonia!) of depression and reveal, funnily enough, that a lot can happen even when youā€™re

standing still.

Or, as it happens, lying down.

Whether youā€™re coping with the occasional down day or thrive fully in Picassoā€™s Blue Period, How to Weep in Public

is the perfect place to regroup between those nagging Tony Robbins tapes and that exhausting amount of ā€œleaning in.ā€

So sit back, relax, and let Jacqueline Novak teach you how to carpe depressem with the rest of them.

Verteller: Jacqueline Novak