
Instead of Watching TV : 99 Activities to Help Kids Unplug


Recent studies have shown that childrenā€™s in todayā€™s world spend more than three hours daily in front of the TV. Educators suggest that this habit causes obesity, and apathy in children. What can we do?

Instead of Watching TV offers kids alternatives to TV or videogames. These ideas permits parents to enjoy a few minutes at our childrenā€™s sides and the means for kids to enjoy themselves on their own as well.

Some of the activities include understanding the phases of the moon through a game, how to make a "telephone," and how to create an animated book. Instead of watching ā€œthe idiot box,ā€ children 4 to 12 years old can discover, communicate, and learn:

ā€¢ Simple and fun crafts

ā€¢ Games for inside the house

ā€¢ Cooking recipes for kids

ā€¢ Safe scientific experiments