
Jailbreak : A space opera adventure


Breaking into one of the most secure prison planets in the system isnā€™t the hard part. The hard part is going to be getting back out again.

They just pulled off the heist of the century. Now ex-smuggler pilot Jez and the motley crew of the Ungovernable have a promise to keep: an extraction from a high-security political prison. But the timeline for the rescue is shorter than they ever imagined, and if they want to save their target from certain death, theyā€™ll have to go in blindā€”no specs, no intel, no time to prepare, and only the skeleton of a plan. And between prison gangs, murderous guards, and a vicious warden, extracting their target might be the least of their worries.

Jailbreak is the second book in R.M. Olsonā€™s science fiction space opera series The Ungovernable. With a crazy, close-knit crew, plenty of humour, and loads of action, Firefly meets Oceanā€™s Eleven in this fast-paced, kick-ass, wickedly fun series.

Verteller: Zura Johnson