


She dots her ā€˜Iā€™s wearing Prada. He squeals to fans shirtless. When a deadly meeting changes everything, will she heed the threat, or take the plunge?

Everyone calls him Slick, but I was raised in a home where everything was proper. Sean and I meet in an odd place, under dire circumstances, so nobody would ever expect what happenedā€¦to happenā€¦but it did. A rock star and a psychologist seem like an impossible match. And it is. Thatā€™s why I have to leave, before everything is ruined. I canā€™t be with him for so many reasons, as much as every cell in my body says that itā€™s right. Evidently, he agrees that we should be together, since he leaves breadcrumbs for meā€¦but will they lead me back to him?

She canā€™t even say my name. With a name like Slick, one expects some surfer-type, with nothing between his ears and a stake where his heart should be. Listen to my music and youā€™ll see. Iā€™m somewhere between not much and kinda something, you know? But Doc, sheā€™sā€¦something else. The way she handled things on the roof that nightā€¦If it werenā€™t for one thing, sheā€™d be mine. That one night. I should have done it differently. Then sheā€™d still be here. But I canā€™t take it backā€¦orā€¦can I?

ā€¦and just when we think weā€™re past danger, just when I think that the band has it all, and that Iā€™ve got Doc, too, an unexpected person walks in, and I know that weā€™re back to square one again.

Rock star romance

Medical romance


Medium heat



Cliffhanger ending

Verteller: Sandra Alex