
Knight in Leather


Dasha Maurice isnā€™t in the market for a serious relationship, much less one with one of the leather-wearing fairies residing at her best friendā€™s beach motel. Sure, Ethan Gotch is built like a linebacker and tongue-numbingly sexy, but heā€™s also a smidge intense and has a pesky ex who insists heā€™s her fated mate.

Heā€™s not. Heā€™s Dashaā€™s.

Being the only human in the fairy clique makes Dasha the perfect little soldier to play messenger in the fairy realm. She canā€™t be detected by raging Queen Rhiannonā€™s magic, and can help pull more oppressed SĆ­dhe to freedom. The realm is collapsing and the people need a way out.

When Ethanā€™s ex pulls a stunt causing Dasha to get stuck in the realm, she starts to believe she was right keeping her distance from the fairy, but thatā€™s the least of her concerns. If Dasha canā€™t accept what it means to be the mate of a shapeshifting fairy knight and work a little magic of her own, the two may never make it home alive.

Verteller: Pyper Down