
Konrad and the Birthday Painting


Everything happened so fast. One minute Konrad was a perfectly normal 8-year-old, just trying to get through a perfectly normal school day. The next minute he was catapulted through time and spaceā€”and oil paints and canvasā€”into a world he never even knew existed.

A pair of sunglasses transform the boring painting outside the principalā€™s office into the most beautiful thing you ever sawā€”and a powerful spy device at that. When the worst bully in school does something very bad and then tries to pin the blame on Konradā€™s favorite babysitter, Konrad feels the need to make things right again. But when youā€™re 8, and not exactly the worldā€™s bravest 8-year-old, thereā€™s not much you can do, is there? Well, perhaps there is ā€¦

Verteller: Amy Vance