


First in line, first in love...

The ghost of Lachlan McLean is the first to accept the Muir Witch's dare. After a quick act of bravery, he'll be free to exact his revenge. But plans go amiss when a certain lass refuses to be saved.

Itā€™s not just Harperā€™s trust fund thatā€™s in dangerā€”itā€™s her life. Her despicable stepfather only has to keep her alive until he gets control of her money, and heā€™s happy to kill anyone who tries to aid her. So sheā€™s on the run and determined to stay on her ownā€”so no one else has to die. But a lunatic in a kilt decides she needs a hero, and heā€™s not easy to ditch.

If Harper canā€™t convince the Scot he's a liability, sheā€™ll be planting another bodyguard in the ground. And if Lachlan canā€™t get the woman to stand back and let him fight the Highland wayā€”which he couldnā€™t do at Cullodenā€”heā€™ll have haunted the battlefield for two hundred seventy years for nothing.