
Leave it for the Rain


A Love She Canā€™t Rememberā€¦ A Woman He Canā€™t Forget

On the Eve of her wedding Rebecca Grayson suffers a tragic accident and wakes surrounded by a loving family and a handsome fiancĆ© she doesnā€™t recognize. Feeling adrift and alone, she struggles to remember her lifeā€”and Adam. He wants to help her rediscover their intimate past and passionate plans for a future together, but he is a stranger to her. Despite her attraction to Adam, she wonders if she can keep her promise to marry him and if sheā€™ll ever find her way back to the boy who had promised her forever.

ā€œThis is one of the loveliest books I have ever read! It was very emotional. Definitely a keeper.ā€ā€”Starjessame (Amazon review)

ā€œThis story is so purely romantic, I cried! It is a beautiful representation of true love and what a person will do for another that holds their heart.ā€ā€”Cara A. Lichtenegger (Amazon review)

ā€œThis story will fill you with love then break your heart then mend it back together.ā€ā€”Terri D (Amazon review)

ā€œFive stars! I've loved her books since I was 14! Almost 20 now. Fantastic writer, sweet story! Big fan.ā€ā€”Emily (Amazon review)

Verteller: Julia Motyka