
Lightburst: The Pastoralist


Lightburst: The Pastoralist is tailor-made for on-the-go listeners who need a quick sci-fi fix!

Rosalindā€™s neocarbon broadsword and chemo gun are all that stand between her defenseless sheep and roaming packs of snarling wolves.

Together with her border collie, Sox, she guards the flocks in the ashen pastures of the valley, the only home sheā€™s ever known.

But the valley has changed over the past year.

Her fellow pastoralistsā€”once numbering in the hundreds of thousandsā€”have disappeared.

Sheā€™s changed, too: becoming self-aware; becoming larger than herself; becoming ravenous. Sheā€™s started slaughtering sheep to fuel her insatiable appetiteā€”and the Makers arenā€™t happy.

When a stranger arrives on her doorstep, Rosalind discovers how far the Makers will go to end the slaughter . . . and her life. But she has a surprise in store for themā€”one that will change the valley forever.

Verteller: Mike Sheriff
