


If you could spend two weeks with anyone in the world, who would you choose?

A Japanese company offers special services to the extremely wealthy in complete secrecy. They are able to copy any living person, so that their clients can enjoy a week or two with anyone at an exotic holiday resort, be it their crush, a celebrity, a friend or a foe, a childhood lover, a hot actor or actress.

Robert Turner, an American multimillionaire is contacted by an enigmatic businessman who offers him their services. Turner, convinced that life doesn’t have anything new in reserve for him takes up the offer, and so begin the happiest and most dangerous two weeks of his life. Yet, in the end nothing turns out as planned, and each character begins a desperate struggle for survival.

Ronil Caine’s debut novel represents a new generation of hard science fiction with round characters amid a thriller full of tension, and serious ethical issues that stay with us long after we have put the book down.