
Literary Miscellany: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Literature


Wouldnā€™t it be great to be a fly on the wall as the great writers took pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard)? While reading this work, youā€™ll be just that. Here are behind-the-book stories and facts about authors, publishing and everything literary that will entertain both casual and serious readers. Among the questions asked and answered:

ā€¢ When Did Literature Finally Get Sexy?

ā€¢ Is Coffee or Opium Better for Literary Creativity?

ā€¢ Why Are the Best Autobiographies so Embarrassing?

ā€¢ Why Do Some Detectives Use Their Minds and Others Their Fists?

Who knew that bestseller lists and childrenā€™s books could be the source of intense controversy? Or that even the biggest writers had to scrape by, with odd jobs and inventions like the Mark Twain Self-Pasting Scrapbook? In Literary Miscellany, examine the trend of ā€œfake memoirs,ā€ with a list of who lied about what, and a roguesā€™ gallery of hoaxers dating back centuries. From epic poetry and Homer to pulp fiction and Harry Potter, Literary Miscellany is a breezy tour through the literature of today and yesterday, packed with enough interesting facts to entertain both the erudite professor and pleasure reader.