
Lost in Texas


The cowboy refusing to mourn. The city girl in a strange predicament. The scoundrel that thinks fiancƩs come with a price tag.

Never, ever date a client. Thatā€™s what I keep telling myself. Until Terence Daniels walks into my office. Fine. I caved. Biggest mistake of my life. Next thing I know Iā€™m fleeing Louisiana, hunkering down with my best friend in Dallas. Iā€™m starving, terrified, so confused, and Iā€™m thinkingā€¦things just cannot get any worse. Until Kateā€™s car breaks down outside this bar that looks like their patrons kill women with sticks. We have no choice but to go inside. What I find in there is nothing that I would expect. What unfolds in the coming weeks are more mistakes. Better ones. And then one that Iā€™ll forever call my favorite mistake.


After the day Iā€™ve had, Iā€™d sooner eat my boot than cook something. My brother Zack agrees, so we go to this hillbilly bar, where we keep a tab. One cranky woman and her sidekick show up, looking like lawyers among us cowboys, and we ask if we can help. The cranky one thinks weā€™re trying to steal her car, but the other one softens. All is fine and dandy until she hits us with something that would shock a groundhog back into his burrow until hell freezes over. The look in her eyes is what gets me. Fear. I canā€™t stand that in a woman. Especially this one, with the tough exterior, making out like sheā€™s fine when inside sheā€™s a crumbling mess. Never figured sheā€™d turn things around like she does. Never figured Iā€™d be the one to help her put it all back together. Never figured sheā€™d see right through me yet show me the way in a way that nobody else has.

ā€¦and for the life of me, I never figured that sheā€™d inadvertently bring so much danger to the ranch.

HEA (Happily Ever After)

Ranch romance

Cowboy romance

Medium heat

Course language

Cliffhanger ending

Verteller: Sandy Appleyard