
Make It Last



ā€œDo me a favor.ā€

Four words to mess up my already messed up world. Although Iā€™m dealing with enough, some side of me never agrees. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be standing face-to-face with her: the Naomi Henson.

Oh, the countless times I wacked off to her growing up. I should be on a cattle drive, yet here I am, training her to ride horses for a role. I donā€™t doubt my friend asked for this ā€˜favorā€™ knowing I wouldnā€™t pass up the chance of possibly teaching Naomi how to ride a beast of my own. Itā€™s Austinā€™s way of forcing me stick around, to deal with people that are more like lingering crap on the bottom of my boots.

Yeah, itā€™s time I dealt with my past ā€¦ and hopefully, Iā€™ll get a sweet piece of Naomi as my reward.


Washed up.Has been.Past her prime.

All the phrases that have been used to describe me and my acting career. I guess you can add reformed crackhead and whore to the list, too. No one is to blame. Well, many are, but complaining wonā€™t change the nature of the beast that says that a man in this industry can work till heā€™s wheeled out, with wrinkles and a shady past.

However, a female actress, no matter how great her talent, has a limited shelf life. The doors age didn't close, my mistakes being played out in a constant loop will. I faced the hard facts that itā€™s a manā€™s world in Hollywood a long time ago. Being 42 years young is a death sentence in the industry.

Yet, here I am. Completely godsmacked at the offer of the role of the century. Weā€™re talking leading lady, Oscar worthy. Then fast forward toā€” ā€œCan you make it last?ā€

What the hell am I saying? Iā€™m here to train for my comeback role, not for whiskey and a roll in the hay. Now this good looking, tall, 48-year-old joker that seems to say all the right lines from the raunchiest Native American romance novels is messing me up.

Zahn Ewing needs to get a clue. Iā€™m just faking it in hopes that I make it, again. If he knew, I mean really knew my history, my secret, he would understand why I pop pills just to be able to look at myself in the mirror. He would understand why I, of all people, donā€™t deserve a second chance at anything ā€¦ and I definitely donā€™t deserve the likes of him.