
Model Patient : A Gender Swap Romance


Danā€™s behind on his rent, and no matter what he does he canā€™t seem to get ahead. Heā€™s supposed to be going on a date with his girlfriend Veronica tonight, but when he arrives home to find an eviction notice stuck to his front door, he cancels in favour of getting drunk and commiserating with his friend Bert. ā€œIā€™m sure we can find something dudeā€ says Bert, optimistically typing ā€˜make money fastā€™ into the search bar.

Dan wakes up with a pounding headache, and a message in his phone congratulating him on his new job ā€“ apparently he signed up to some sort of medical trial last night. The money is too good to pass up, and the clinic seems a little unconventional, although the staff are very friendly. Once he arrives, Dan discovers the strange windowless building also seems to block any cellphone signal from entering, and he is cut off from the world as soon as the heavy door swings shut behind him. Dan emerges five days later with a wallet full of cash, and a phone full of angry messages from Veronica. He has some apologizing to do, and when he wakes up the next morning having undergone some unexpected changes overnight Veronica is initially furious.

ā€œYou should know by now that Bertā€™s ideas are nothing but trouble!ā€ she fumes. Luckily, she comes around quickly, and Danielle is surprised to find Veronica seems to have decided this is a useful opportunity. An opportunity for what exactly she isnā€™t too sure, but she figures it canā€™t hurt to go along with whatever Veronica has planned ā€“ so far, it mostly seems to involve letting Veronica give her a makeover, and she has to admit her new looks are pretty eye-catchingā€¦

Verteller: Claudia Kirk