
Mr. Crotchety


Shoe store owner Roger Hudson has a chip on his shoulder the size of Mount Rushmore. Hiring real estate agent Sally Bright, the most-annoyingly positive woman ever, probably isnā€™t the smartest move but sheā€™s the best. Her constantly bubbly nature gets under Rogerā€™s skin but thereā€™s an even bigger problem. Sheā€™s also getting into his heart. And donā€™t even get him started on her dynamite legs.

Roger doesnā€™t fool Sally one bit. She knows his crotchety act is as fake as her best friendā€™s Gucci bag. Sheā€™s dealt with his type before but selling his home is proving to be harder than she thought. Especially since sheā€™s developing feelings for her handsome client. But just when things seem to be going in the right direction, Sallyā€™s secret could destroy everything she worked so hard for.

Verteller: Greg Tremblay