


It's said a witch without a familiar is considered lost, but a warlock without a familiar is deemed soulless.

ļ»æYordan Squires has a rather lonely existence. As a warlock capable of time travel, heā€™d resigned himself to a life of solitude long ago. When he finds someone possessing the magicks like himself, she could be the answer to his loneliness. But itā€™s too dangerous and selfish of him to ask her to accompany him on his travels.

Ravenelle is a sprite, or so sheā€™s told. She doesnā€™t know what she is or how she has powers, but when she finds someone who does know, she doesnā€™t want him to go away. Despite her healing abilities and invisibility, sheā€™s ashamed of the life she has been forced into. Cold and hungry, sheā€™s had no choice but to sell herself, and now sheā€™s in grave danger from the man who owns her.

Yordan vows to protect his Ravenelle. As perilous as his travels are, she would be safer with him than fending for herself. But sometimes trouble follows, no matter where or when you end up.

Separately they are special. Together they are unstoppable.

Verteller: Sunny Patel