
On the Mend


She thinks she knows this playerā€¦

Why does my promotion depend on Dan McMullen, of all people? Iā€™ve been working my butt off for years and now all I have to do is get the star center fielder game ready and itā€™s mine. Yes, our relationship happened ten years ago, but Iā€™ll never forget how he broke my heart. He was my first love after all. But Iā€™m older now, wiser. I wonā€™t let anything stand in the way of earning that promotion. Not even a sexy player who thinks weā€™re going to kiss and make up.

.ā€¦but heā€™s full of surprises.

Back in college, I loved two thingsā€¦Sabrina Kelly and baseball. Baseball worked out great. Sabrina, not so much. I know I broke her heart, but Iā€™m not that guy anymore. My busted knee may keep me off the field this season, but itā€™s also given me the chance to get her back into my life. Sheā€™s a damn good physical therapist and if anyone can get me on my feet, itā€™s her. And while sheā€™s here, I just have to convince her to give me another chance.