
Only a Heartbeat Away : Pride and Prejudice Novella


Long before he and she meet, Miss Elizabeth Bennet entertains notions of Mr. Darcy as being good-natured, compassionate, and exceedingly handsome. Indeed, everything a gentleman ought to be. In light of the ardent disdain that he incites in her family and friends at the Meryton assembly, reconciling her favorable impression of him proves deeply unsettling. Hence, she goes about making out his true nature. Boasting to the gentleman of an acquaintance with his worst enemy hardly recommends her to him.

Will tempestuous sparks ignite into passionate flames as Darcy and Elizabeth endeavor to sketch each other's character?

What listeners have said about Only a Heartbeat Away

"P.O. Dixon's books are always a joy to read, and I have to say thus far all the audiobooks have been too."

"I loved it!! and I love the narration by Pearl Hewitt."

"Like candy. Can just eat it up. Great character interaction. Fun twist on the story."

Verteller: Pearl Hewitt