
Pleasures of Promise Lake


Sam might have a reasonable excuse to take things easy, but thatā€™s not who she is. Her grieving process started the minute Gram became ill. After three heartbreaking months of being a full-time caregiver, sheā€™s all cried out. To appease her brother, she agrees to a one week reprieve in their childhood haven of Promise Lake before taking back her role in the company they built together. When her car slips from the bridge and makes a terrifying plunge into the water, sheā€™s paralyzed with the deep-rooted fears of her past. The strong, capable hands that pull her from danger belong to none other than the famous major-leaguer, Jake Jaeger.

Sam canā€™t deny that Jake makes everything better, and the chemistry is off the charts. Sheā€™s dated his type before. She dated Jakeā€™s best friend who proved emotionally useless. And, then thereā€™s the fact that Jakeā€™s a newly signed client in her firm. If those arenā€™t reason enough, thereā€™s her past. Her life is far too serious to date a man who plays a game for a living.

Jake, on break after his third Major League season, needs to tell Sam the truth. But when he pulls her from her sinking car, he knows now is not the time to tell her that heā€™s the reason she and Mitch broke up. And heā€™s not sorry. Spending time in a secluded cabin only grows the attraction he intended to ignore. He knows when a woman is into him, and he knows sheā€™s guarded about her past. If sheā€™s worried about him running when things get tough, sheā€™s wrong. He hits curveballs for a living, but it was impossible to see this one coming.

Verteller: Lessa Lamb