
Pride and Sensuality : A Darcy and Elizabeth Short Story


"Falling in love with Mr. Darcy was easy once she had made a start."

As Darcy eagerly thinks about the happiness he and Elizabeth will share once they are married, he becomes restless and wonders if he will ever have a moment alone with her. Elizabeth is well aware of the frustration Darcy must be feeling. Not only does she have the key to his heart; she knows how to use it.

~ A lighthearted, whimsical, entertaining, yet ever so sensual tale of Darcy and Elizabeth's pleasurable pursuits pending their nuptials.

What listeners have said about Pride and Sensuality

"Very romantic and a slow burn attraction. it has both the innocence and awakening of first love."

"Sexy in its innocence. Portrays sweet tender moments of our engaged couple. I was amused in their search for privacy and lack of success."

"P.O. Dixon's writing style and Pearl Hewitt's easy listening voice are a perfect combination for a great listen."

"Fitzwilliam Darcy and Mr. Bennet - so brilliantly performed by Pearl Hewitt!"

"I can't decide where Pride and Sensuality ranks between Dixon's books, as they are all really really good!"

Verteller: Pearl Hewitt