
Queen Takes Rose


Once upon a time I made a deal with the devil.

It turns out I like playing in the dark. Over the years, Iā€™ve become someone Iā€™m proud of, someone dangerous. Iā€™ll never be as dangerous as Malone, though. Sheā€™s one of the most feared leaders in Carver City, and her reputation is more than earned. Years ago, we had a single night together and sheā€™s ignored me ever since.

Imagine my surprise to discover sheā€™s scheduled me for the final two weeks of my contract. Maybe I should be afraid. Everyone else fears Malone. Instead, all I feel is anticipation. Itā€™s time to balance the scales, once and for all.

The villains arenā€™t the only ones in Carver City a person should be wary of crossing.

Sometimes the prettiest flower hides the deadliest poisonā€¦