


In a lawless world, the Division fights for hope and the future

Maira Kanhai has had enough. Since the Green Poison epidemic hit Washington DC, her Cybersecurity degree is worthless, she canā€™t rejoin the US Navy, and her early efforts to secure Maryland led to a costly mistake: the death of her brother.

Every day new factions emerge, trying to burn her city to the ground ā€¦ until an elite unitā€”the Strategic Homeland Divisionā€”emerges, inspiring hope.

When a grenade kills one of the SHD agents, Maira suddenly has a chance to make a real difference as a raw new Division recruit and restore order to suffering communities on the brink of famine ā€¦ if she can pass the tests, and defeat the enemies plotting to eliminate the Division once and for all.

Verteller: Amanda Dolan