
Right Under My Nose : A Billionaire Single Father Love Story


My life couldnā€™t get any more ridiculous. A few days ago, my sonā€™s teacher wanted to berate me on my parenting style. I politely told her to f*ck off, in so many words. And now? Sheā€™s sitting across the table from me at my first blind date in years. You canā€™t make this shit up. Nothing has been easy since my wife left me and Hunter years ago. And yet, we persevered. Heā€™s my whole world, and the last thing I have time for is a woman. But this beautiful teacher disagrees. She wants to help me find the right girl for me and my boy. My best friend agrees. Itā€™s time. To shut everyone up, I go along with it. How bad can this get? Donā€™t ask. The right woman has been under my nose the whole time. And without realizing it, Iā€™ve fallen deeply in love with her. I can only hope sheā€™ll stop her silly search and accept my offer. Be mine. Forever.